Afghan Hounds

My name is Kelly de Meijer, born in 1972, married and mother to a lovely daughter. In daily life I am working as a secretary at an engineer company.

In 1980 when I was 7 years of age, the first Afghan entered my life, and in 1983 the second arrived. I literally grew up with and between the Afghans. This, the beauty and character of this wonderful breed have been the base of a lifelong and everlasting passion!

In 1989 my mother Ria Rammeloo and I started breeding under the Serra Parecis prefix. Our breeding was mainly based on the old Scandinavian bloodlines El Khyria and Boxadan. Today those are still the type and lines we try to maintain at THUJA.

In 2003 I decided to have my own kennelname Thuja. Thuja has since then produced only four litters with English, International, Danish, French, Luxembourg and Dutch champions, Amsterdam Winners and more!

If you would like to know more about Thuja or Afghans in general, feel free to contact me anytime.